It only takes 5 minutes
Award-Winning Career Accelerator

Supercharge your career and pivot to better, higher-paying jobs in 8-12 weeks with almost 0 effort.

Watch the 4 minute video below to discover how we help stagnant & underpaid mid-level professionals between 30-40 years old pivot to higher-paying jobs fast with 0 effort. We guarantee a minimum of 10 interviews or else we will work for free until we get the results.

Trusted by 300+ Candidates

If you don’t see results, you get 100% of your money back. You ONLY pay for results.

It only takes 5 minutes

We helped 300+ accelerator candidates advance their careers at


Average increase in compensation


Hours saved per Accelerator Candidate


Average no. of interviews within 6-9 weeks


High paying job offers received per search

What can you expect with us

How can Career’s Accelerator benefit me?

We mainly work with professionals who already have a job but want something much better, but sometimes do help active job-seekers as well to secure their next job.

I already have a decent job 😎

Get better, targeted jobs that pay 20%-50% more than your current job

Eliminate the stress of being too busy to apply for new jobs - we got you covered!

Explore new high-growth job opportunities without compromising your current one

Get 10+ guaranteed interviews in 8-12 weeks or else you don’t have to pay anything

Learn the secrets of how to land great jobs quickly and get it completely done for you

Get personalized coaching to improve your long term career growth and success

I am still looking for a job 👋

No more time-consuming job applications

Get 10+ guaranteed interviews in 8-12 weeks or else you don’t have to pay anything

Get a personalized interview coach to help you pass the interviews we book for you

Skip being part of the 75% who get rejected by ATS and fast-track your job search

Learn the secrets of how to land great jobs quickly and get it completely done for you

Success Stories

Don’t trust us. Trust our happy clients.

Listen to the experiences and results from some of our most successful clients.

Play Video
Kamala R.

Executive Assistant

Industry: Retail
Play Video
Ahmed J.

B2B SaaS Sales Executive

Industry: Fintech
Play Video
Aurelius D.

Software Engineer

Industry: Technology
Play Video
Jessie M.

Program Manager

Industry: Healthcare
Play Video
Aashay L.

Associate at JP Morgan Chase

Industry: Financial Services
Play Video
Evan O.

Data Analyst

Industry: Automotive
Play Video
Jordan H.

Senior Project Manager

Industry: Advertising & Marketing
Play Video
Iain B.

Product Manager

Industry: Technology
Play Video
Sarah G.

Senior Talent Acquisition Manager

Industry: Legal
Play Video
Isabella J.

Creative Lead

Industry: eCommerce

Our Accelerator Guarantee

We love our unique Career Accelerator and are confident you will too! That’s why we're offering a minimum 10 interviews guarantee. If we don’t get you that many interviews, we will continue working for free...or give you back a full refund if we still can’t do it.

A Truly Unique Career Solution

What can you expect

Interviews in Autopilot

We will build a list of 450 jobs, apply to them manually, email many recruiters, and secure several interviews for you - and you don’t have to do anything.

Multiple Job Offers

Our unique accelerator applies to several hundreds of jobs and we email 1,300+ recruiters - our typical client gets multiple job offers.

Interview Coaching

We aim to try and get you potentially higher paying career opportunities at better companies to give you instant career growth.

Dedicated Success Manager

From day 1, you will be assigned a dedicated success manager, a career coach, and an interview coach to help you in your accelerator journey.

Minimal Effort From You

The only thing you have to do is to show up to the interviews. We do 95% of the work required, making our accelerator the most unique career solution.

Salary & Pay Increase

By targeting competitive jobs, receiving many interviews, and receiving coaching - you can expect to typically land 25%+ higher paid jobs opportunities.


How does it work?

After joining the accelerator, we will run 6 rounds for you and each round lasts 10-15 days. We will apply to 450 jobs and reach out to 1,300+ people across all rounds.

1. We find the best jobs

Each round, we will build a list of the best jobs for you and find the relevant recruiters and hiring managers for each job.

2. We apply to them

Our team will apply to all of the jobs manually and pitch relevant recruiters and hiring managers to get interviews.

3. Interviews + Coaching

We will get positive conversations going, book several interviews, and coach you to help you pass them.

4. Potential Job Offers

Some of those interviews and conversation will take you to the next step to the job offer and we will help you negotiate to get the best pay package.

We helped 300+ professionals accelerate in their career. Could you be next?

Apply now to see if you are a good fit for our Accelerator. Low effort, guaranteed results awaits you.

It only takes 5 minutes

Still have more questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Accelerator and how does it work?

Career’s accelerator is our flagship career advancement solution. It is a very unique, one of a kind (you literally will not find this anywhere) solution for ambitious professionals to pivot into a better, more lucrative job.

It is an 8-12 week program where you have a dedicated team working for you to optimize your resume & linkedin profiles, source a list of 450x high quality & better paid jobs, apply for them manually + emailing 1,350 recruiters & hiring managers, run science-based experiments, secure a minimum of 10+ interviews, train and coach you to pass interviews - all with the goal to get you great job offers.

The best part? We do 95% of the work. All you do is show up to the interviews. No other work from you.

What is the pricing model for the Career Accelerator?

We have a simple pricing model.

  • $4497 ‘deposit’ to begin the accelerator (refundable if we do not achieve minimum interview guarantee)
  • 4% ‘success fees’ of first year annual salary after you sign a job offer (we only win if you win model)

Although the initial pricing model may look steep, the value is incredible when you realize we help you automate your job search, get guaranteed interviews with 0 effort - with the goal of getting better paid, more career-fulfilling job offers and turbo-charge your career. 

This requires a lot of effort, risk-taking, and strategic applications on our side, hence why this is the most premium job search solution to exist in the market.

When will I see results and how long is the Accelerator?

You will probably see results from round 1 itself so within the first 20 days, you will start seeing a few interviews. We repeat this for 6 application rounds over a period of 2-3 months, so expect to see a lot of interviews booked in a short time span. If we do not see results in the initial rounds, we will change up our strategies in the next rounds by studying the data we collect.

Does Career Accelerator guarantee offers?

We partially do. We guarantee interviews.

We guarantee a minimum of 10 official interviews at high quality jobs but on average, we get about 12-20 interviews per client. 

We legally cannot guarantee job offers because getting a job offer depends on 2 things:
1. Your interview performance (which only you can control)
2. The employer’s impression on your interview performance

Remember, with the Accelerator we will get you a lot of interviews and even help coach you - but, it is still your job to be confident, perform well at the interviews, and get the job offer.

With our coaching, almost all of our clients end up with better job offers and actually take them.

Will I get the exact same results as some of your testimonials?

You might, and you probably will…but it depends. 

Results usually vary from person to person. This can depend on various factors, including:

  1. Profile, Resume, and LinkedIn strength
  2. Amount of high quality jobs available per round
  3. Amount of competition for those jobs
  4. Job outreach and application quality
  5. Your interview performance

We set strict eligibility requirements to ensure your profile is a good fit for our Accelerator. Once you’re accepted, we can control the first 4 elements. The final element is ultimately in your control, but we do offer guidance and support to help you with that too.

However, we cannot predict exactly how long your search will take, how many offers you’ll receive, or what your total compensation would be.

Is this legal?

Yes, we have a complex technical and operation setup to provide you with this accelerator service. All the information, pitching, profile, and background information is still your real information so the authenticity of your applications still remains intact.

The only difference is you have a specialized task force literally helping you with your job search, making your life 20x easier.

Is everyone eligible?

Unfortunately, no.

Our Accelerator program is very selective due to the high value we provide for our candidates.

We also offer a huge promise and big money-back guarantee, putting us at risk if we get sub-par results.

After you apply in the initial screening application to see if you are eligible to meet certain requirements, our team will then manually review your profile to see if you are a good fit for the accelerator - to achieve the best results both for you as well as for us.

To check if you are eligible, you can apply here.

Are there payment plans?

For the deposit, you may see an option to pay with ‘Klarna’ over a period of 4-6 months. Klarna is a buy, now pay later scheme we have partnered with and when you choose to pay through them, they may or may not accept you (which is out of our control) as they have their own background qualification system. If you do not accepted by Klarna and you want to work with our Accelerator program, you have no other choice but to pay the deposit in full.

For the ‘success fees’ of 4% of first year base salary compensation, you can choose to pay it upfront or over a payment plan with Klarna (if it doesn’t work, we can make a custom payment plan for you).